2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar

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2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 1998 Ford Windstar
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Lot information
Bid: $50
Buy now: $1,125
Auction number: 52420034
Auction platform: copart.com
Sale date: 07.05.2024 19:00
Pre-accident price: $4,051
Location: 91405 1509, Ca - Van Nuys, Van Nuys, California
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 166829 Mileage (km) / Actual
Vehicle title: Dis/Dlr/Exp Only Clean Title
Primary damage: Minor Dent/Scratches
Keys available: Yes
Vehicle information
VIN: 2FTDA54U9WBA44384
Brand: Ford
Model: Windstar
Generation: Windstar
Vehicle type: Automobile
Color: White
Engine: 3.0l 6
Cylinders: 6
Transmission: Automatic transmission
Drive wheel: Front-wheel drive
Fuel: Gas
Year of production: 1998

More about 1998 Ford Windstar 2FTDA54U9WBA44384

The car 1998 Ford Windstar with the VIN: 2FTDA54U9WBA44384 manufactured in 1998 by the famous brand Ford, belongs to the model line Windstar. It was listed on the COPART US car auctions website, with the LOT number: 52420034,  by the time of listing on the COPART website, the odometer was 103663 miles.

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