YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo

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YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo
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Lot information
Bid: $325
Auction number: 48629604
Auction platform: copart.com
Sale date: 05.06.2024 14:00
Pre-accident price: $10,000
Location: 13036 2415, Ny - Syracuse, Central Square, New York
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 247289 Mileage (km) / Not actual
Vehicle title: Mv-907A Dismantlers
Primary damage: Side
Keys available: Yes
Vehicle information
VIN: YS3CF65R0W1000873
Brand: Saab
Model: 9000
Vehicle type: Automobile
Body type: Hatchback
Color: Black
Engine: 2.3l 4
Cylinders: 4
Transmission: Manual transmission
Drive wheel: Front-wheel drive
Fuel: Gas
Year of production: 1998

More about 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo YS3CF65R0W1000873

The car 1998 Saab 9000 Cse Turbo with the VIN: YS3CF65R0W1000873 manufactured in 1998 by the famous brand Saab, belongs to the model line 9000. It was listed on the COPART US car auctions website, with the LOT number: 48629604,  by the time of listing on the COPART website, the odometer was 153658 miles.

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